PrivateSalon sonoro

東京都西新宿のネイルならPrivateSalon sonoro | 口コミ








他のネイルサロンでは回を重ねるごとに剥がれやすくなり、長続きしませんでした。でもソノーロさんではそのようなことは一度もありません!安定した技術に加え、楽しくお喋りできる時間もおすすめポイントの一つです!! (Translated by Google) At other nail salons, the nails peeled off easily with each use and didn't last long. But with Sonoro, that has never happened! In addition to stable technique, one of the recommended points is the time when you can have fun and chat! !

mico Sugar

mico Sugar


このネイルサロンには大満足です!スタッフの方がとても丁寧で、施術中もリラックスした気分になれます。フォルムの形成は完璧で、細部にわたるケアもしっかりしていて、仕上がりのネイルも美しいです。豊富なカラーから私の希望する色を見つけられたのも嬉しいポイント。プライベートな空間でゆったりとした時間を過ごせました。また絶対に訪れたいです!★★★★★ (Translated by Google) I am very satisfied with this nail salon! The staff are very polite and make you feel relaxed during the treatment. The shape of the nails is perfect, every detail has been well taken care of, and the finished nails are beautiful. Another great thing is that I was able to find the color I wanted from the wide variety of colors. We had a relaxing time in a private space. I definitely want to visit again! ★★★★★




一度通うとまたお願いしたくなるサロンです♪ (Translated by Google) They have a wide range of colors to choose from and are happy to accommodate your design requests, so the results always exceed your expectations!
I had a complex about the shape of my short, round natural nails and had given up on growing them, but with their careful shaping and design, I now have my ideal nails!
This is a salon that once you visit, you will want to come again♪

R. H.

R. H.



ネイリストさんはお一人だけなので、お客さんも同じ時間に一人だけ、他の方がいない分その空間は貸し切り状態 笑。


人柄が良い上、腕もバツグンです!六本木の高級サロンでも4週間しか持たないパラジェルがここでは8週間でも全然大丈夫!(まあ 私の場合)


どなた様にも一度お試しして欲しいネイルサロンです! (Translated by Google) Once you go here, you will never go to another nail salon again.

Since there was only one manicurist, there was only one customer at the same time, and since no one else was there, the space was reserved for everyone, lol.

Relax for 3 hours in a large and comfortable reclining chair. It feels like a resort.

He has a great personality and his arms are great! Paragel, which only lasts for 4 weeks at high-end salons in Roppongi, lasts for 8 weeks here! (well in my case)

It makes sense to spend a generous 3 hours from gel-off to care and finishing. They do a very thorough job and always end up with a beautiful finish.

This is a nail salon that everyone should try at least once!

Rei Wa

Rei Wa


ネイル店ジプシーでしたが、やっとお気に入りのサロンにたどり着きました!!デザインは大人かわいいものがたくさんあって毎回選ぶのが楽しみ。技術もすばらしく、つめがぷっくりとして、きれいに見えるようにしてくれます。さらに、お人柄がよくてくつろげます。 (Translated by Google) I used to go to the nail shop Gypsy, but I finally found my favorite salon! ! There are so many cute and mature designs that I look forward to choosing each time. The technique is amazing and makes your nails look plump and beautiful. Additionally, he is very personable and makes you feel at home.




通い始めてから約2年。全てのプロセスがとても丁寧です。4週に1回通っていますが、その間に取れてしまったことはないですし、浮くこともまずほとんどありません。プライベートサロンなので周りを気にせず楽しい時間を過ごせます! (Translated by Google) It's been about 2 years since I started going there. The whole process is very careful. I go once every 4 weeks, and I have never had it come off during that time, and it hardly ever comes off. It's a private salon so you can have a great time without worrying about your surroundings!




ソノーロさんに行き始めてから早1年経ちました。反り爪に悩みながら色んなネイルサロンを転々としてきましたが、こちらは爪整形などもして下さり1ヶ月1度の贅沢と癒しです。いつも綺麗な施術と楽しい会話をありがとうございます。これからもよろしくお願い致します♡ (Translated by Google) It's already been a year since I started going to Sonoro. I've been to various nail salons because I was worried about my curly nails, but this one also does nail surgery, which is a once-a-month luxury and healing experience. Thank you for your beautiful treatments and fun conversations. Thank you for your continued support♡

chika t

chika t


初めてネイルをして頂いたのがソノーロさんでした。とても居心地がよく、施術中の会話もほんとに楽しいです。ネイルの事で相談すると、的確なアドバイスをくれて、不安を取り除いてくれます。毎回丁寧な施術と、沢山の可愛いデザインがあり、月一で通うのが楽しみな場所です! (Translated by Google) The first time I had my nails done was by Sonoro. It's very comfortable and I really enjoy talking during the treatment. When you consult with them about your nails, they will give you accurate advice and relieve your anxiety. With careful treatment every time and lots of cute designs, it's a place I look forward to going to once a month!

Hyunah Kim

Hyunah Kim


カラーもオススメデザインもいろいろな種類があるので嬉しいです。プライベートで、他のお客さんを気にせず、ネイルを受けることも楽です!!!! (Translated by Google) Nail salon for adults💅I'm always satisfied with the careful treatment I receive.
I love that there are so many different colors and recommended designs. It's easy to get your nails done in private and without worrying about other customers! ! ! !

Ajuki t

Ajuki t


仕事上シンプルなネイルしか出来ないのですがいつも様々な提案をして下さるのでネイルが楽しいです!! (Translated by Google) I am always satisfied with the clean and thorough treatment I receive.
There are so many colors to choose from, and even just pink, there are amazing varieties, so I'm glad.
Due to my job, I can only do simple nails, but she always makes various suggestions, which makes it fun! !




やっと通い続けられるお店を見つけました! (Translated by Google) I've been coming here ever since it opened.
I look forward to going every time, not only because of the amazing nail results, but also because of the same hospitality and consideration!
I finally found a store I can keep going to!

Yasuko T

Yasuko T


一番は技術です。37歳、18年のネイル人生でダントツTOPです。本当にオススメです。 (Translated by Google) “Ah, I finally have time to relax this month,” I thought as I headed to Sonoro.
Up until then, the shop was supposed to be a relaxing place where I would take care to have conversations with the patients, but by the time the treatment was over, I was exhausted.
As I get older, I become more particular about techniques, conversation, the atmosphere of the store, etc., and I thought there was no store that matched my needs, so I decided to end my 18-year career with nail art.
As a final memory, when I found Sonoro and visited it, the technology, customer service, and atmosphere of the store far exceeded my selfish dreams.
The first thing is technology. I'm 37 years old and have been at the top of my nail art career for 18 years. I really recommend it.

Teruko Katagiri

Teruko Katagiri


大人なネイルサロン✨なんと言ってもまず他のサロンで驚かれる程綺麗なフォルムを作って手を綺麗に見せてくれます!なかなかデザインが決まらない時は似合う色や好みなどを聞いた上でオススメしてくれて、丁寧に向き合ってくれるのでとても安心できます! (Translated by Google) An adult nail salon ✨ First of all, they create beautiful shapes that will surprise other salons and make your hands look beautiful! When I can't decide on a design, I feel at ease because they listen to what colors look good on me and my preferences, and then make recommendations and work with me carefully!




これからもよろしくお願い致します。 (Translated by Google) thank you always.
The nails are carefully and painlessly removed, and the finish is very beautiful and lasts a long time.
It's been about a year since I've been working with you, and you saved me from being a nail refugee.
It's a private salon, so you can relax and get your nails done without worrying about other customers.
Thank you for your continued support.

